📂My Work and Projects

Explore my portfolio to delve into my diverse range of projects,
showcasing the culmination of skills and expertise acquired
through SheCodes certification.

About Me

Projects I have built using code 💻!

contentspark mt-4

Landing Page

My very first project using code is about inspiring people to create content creation

Built using HTML | CSS

Launch Project

Weather Application

A weather app that provides user with the current and forecasted weather of a city. The app also provides the weather condition, humidity, and wind speed.

Built using HTML | CSS | JS | Bootstrap | API

Launch Project
weather app mt-4
shanice ganas website  mt-4

Portfolio Application

My responsive portfolio website built to house all of my coding projects, contact info, and bio.

Built using HTML | CSS | Bootstrap

Launch Project

Certificates I have acquired for coding with the SheCodes Bootcamp

I am proud to have completed two workshops with SheCodes, earning certificates in both the Introduction to Coding and Web Development Workshop. These immersive experiences provided me with a solid foundation in coding principles and web development essentials, honing my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

introduction to coding
Web Development

Skills I have acquired while coding with the SheCodes Bootcamp

SheCodes has been an invaluable learning experience for me, equipping me with an extensive array of skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, APIs, Flexbox, and beyond. Through their comprehensive curriculum and hands-on projects, I've gained proficiency in various aspects of web development, enabling me to create dynamic and responsive websites.

Work Inquiry

Let's work together

Contact Me